I am not champion

Koorosh Academy

The reason for writing I am not the champion article is the kindness of some friends to motorcyclists and the motorcycling community, who kindly call every rider a champion.

In response to what devastating consequences these compliments can have on our sport and the real champions of this sport, I wrote this article, which I ask you to please read because I think reading this article can help our sport.

As a real champion who has dedicated years of hard work and sacrifice to earn the title, it would undoubtedly be frustrating and disheartening to see someone who hasn't put in the same level of effort or commitment being called a champion simply because of popularity or superficial reasons. This would undermine the integrity of the sport and diminish the value of the title that people have worked so hard to achieve. Furthermore, witnessing the division and discord that could arise within the community due to these false claims would be deeply troubling. Unity, mutual support, and shared experiences are essential for any sport or endeavor to thrive. When individuals are falsely labeled as champions and given undue recognition, it creates a sense of unfairness and erodes the bonds between genuine competitors. Ultimately, such actions would not only devalue the title of champion but also damage the spirit of the sport itself. It's important for the community to uphold standards of excellence and recognize true achievement based on merit and dedication rather than popularity or external factors.


However, if we consider the situation from another perspective, we find that individuals labeled as champions can sometimes be motivated by profit rather than genuine achievement. These individuals may exploit their falsely attributed titles, exacerbating their spread instead of working to counteract it. This can lead to a scenario where the false champion gains more recognition on social media than the real champions. They may engage in spreading misinformation, poaching sponsors from legitimate athletes, and misrepresenting our sport to those unfamiliar with it. Consequently, we inadvertently elevate a deceitful individual to a position of representation within our community. Unfortunately, lacking the qualities, experience, and knowledge of a true champion, such individuals may only be concerned with personal gain. This can have damaging effects on the perception of our sport, creating a negative image among both newcomers and established enthusiasts alike. Moreover, the absence of professional expertise in our sport among these individuals can result in a poor experience for sponsors. In some cases, this may lead sponsors to withdraw their support permanently, further damaging the integrity and sustainability of our sport.

At this point, my friends often mention that being called a champion goes beyond simply winning a medal. They see me as a champion, and I want to explain why I think it's important not to use the term lightly. Firstly, I appreciate the kindness behind such labels, but we must understand that "champion" carries weight. It's not just a casual adjective like "beautiful" or "ugly." True champions excel in their field with dedication, surpassing others not just in performance but also in character. Personally, I don't feel the need to hide behind titles for validation. I prefer to stand on the merits of my actions and character. In today's world, formal titles are becoming less important. People prefer being addressed by their names rather than titles like "boss." In short, while titles have their place, let's remember that true champions are defined by their actions and integrity, not just by labels.


Certainly, my perspective emphasizes the importance of not allowing job titles to define my identity. Instead, I believe it's my individual personality and actions that truly give meaning to words. Categorizing people based on titles can create unnecessary divisions and hierarchies. In my view, these positions and titles can lead to a sense of separation among individuals. Even if I were to achieve the status of a champion one day, I would prefer to continue being addressed by my name. I believe in fostering unity rather than division. It's heartening to see that motorsport, particularly in trial racing for both men and women, is thriving and progressing. Ultimately, the goal of sports is to promote peace and friendship, though this may sometimes be overshadowed by competition. My efforts to contribute to the development of motorcycling culture through articles like these are commendable. By sharing my perspective, I'm helping to foster a sense of inclusivity and unity within the sport.

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